Our Idea
At Klocheska we are building a future with our furry and feathery friends. Preserving the Mid-West heritage with modern ideas.
About me
Hi, I am Jason Klocheska and this is the story of how my wife and I are building our dream. I always loved the outdoors, history, and animals. I enjoy woodworking and construction.
Luckily for me, I seem to not be short on any type of work or projects. We are currently remodeling our home, expanding coops, pens, runs, hutches, stalls, pastures for all the animals. Creating our fruit orchard, strawberry patches, berry rows. Also maintaining and improving the existing structures on the property.
Here you can learn a wide variety. Keep up with us on the animals, garden, orchard, woodworking, and larger projects. We would like to share what we have learned and our mistakes.
Our animals page we share the current status, adventures, new arrivals, and issues. Here we will keep posts on what we find works best and post issues that arises. We are always continuing the improvement of the living conditions, feeders, waterier, and tricks we have found useful.
The garden is a new addition to the farm. After several years I created a test garden to see what will grow in the different conditions. Also we tested to see how the animals will react to the garden. Here you can keep up with what is growing, tricks to keep pests out, planting dates for best harvest, and of course the mistakes we have experienced.
Orchard is finally planted. We have spent the last 3 years adding trees and replacing trees to give us the best mix of fruits for our growing conditions. We will share our methods of fertilizing, pruning, ground care, and harvesting. Since most of these trees where planted from bare root in spring of 2017, you can follow the whole story.
Wood Working
My wood shop I strive to keep clean, is where I perform all the woodworking. I will keep post of they types of joinery I use and show the success and failures of new methods as I try them. You can keep up on the progress of different projects as I complete them. Here is where you will see tool reviews and what I use.
The Projects section you can follow on anything form building a new barn to landscaping. I have numerous projects in the works. Some of the more recent projects have been installing a new metal lean roof, landscaping around the house, and building a new lean on the barn.