

Ducks was the first animal on our farm. They have been typically raised for meat and eggs. But we only keep them for eggs and entertainment. There are numerous breeds of ducks. Some better for meat production and others better for egg production. Also some breeds are a great all around bird, both meat and egg production.

Our Breeds

We have had a several breeds. Currently the mix is very good. No dominating breed.  Yet, the Pekins keep themselves  separated from the rest of the flock. But they are the oldest and biggest in the flock.

Our current breeds:

  • Pekin
  • Khaki Campbell
  • Buff Orpington

I would like to add Cayuga, Welsh Harlequin, Indian Runner, and Rouen ducks. Adds more color and character to the flock.


Our ducks are used for egg production. We do not raise ducks for meat.  We collect eggs every evening and every day is Easter as the ducks find new places to lay eggs every couple days. They find a brush pile, tall weeds, flower bed, or my “Favorite” the lettuce patch…  Our birds are free range so they are out of the coop during the day. They enjoy the ponds to cool off, relax, and to clean up.

Another great use for the ducks is  grub and algae control. Since the birds are free ranging during the day they sift through the grass for grubs. They find all the little snails, slugs, and worms. They eat all the bugs in the ponds, and eat the newly forming algae.

Fertilizer, ducks are great pooping everywhere. There waste is high in nitrogen and make for great compost.  Free range does cause us to find lots of mush piles in the yard, I mean everywhere.    Always wear shoes!  They are messy birds, play in the water bowls. It is like a water park for them. This makes the bedding old and needing replacement fairly often. The great thing is that is washes away fairly easy with a light rain or a heavy dew.


Sitting back and watching ducks is a pleasant experience. They can be hilarious at times.  The birds dive deep in the pond and popup in random locations or under another duck. They jump start flight just to fall down 5 feet from takeoff. The excitement they have when a new/wild duck arrives. They have an amazing ability to see everything always. They will see you through the window in the house, a small spot of a plane in the sky.